Shenzhen Huasifei Technology Co.,Ltd

What is the difference between an industrial router and a sw

What is the difference between an industrial router and a switch?
Industrial router, a kind of router we commonly use, is used in the industrial category. However, it is also a router in essence. It is a device that can be used to pass information between multiple networks.
The differences between industrial routers:
First, the difference at the port, WAN / LAN network port, industrial routers are usually limited, while the switch LAN port more (up to 48 ports online).
Second, there are also differences in the way the signal is emitted, industrial routers are generally networked through the cellular network refraction wifi signal, on external devices, industrial routers generally have 5dbi full frequency stick antenna, the signal is also more stable. And the Ethernet switch is a wired network connection.
Second, different functions and use scenarios
Industrial router: can connect multiple/different virtual networks
Ethernet switch: one-way expansion of access points so that multiple terminals can access the network.
  Industrial routers are commonly used for industrial purposes, such as underground monitoring, outdoor parking, security wireless video surveillance and other industrial projects above, because they have stable and efficient signal transmitting devices.
  And industrial switches are wired networking, commonly used in indoor, such as unattended server rooms, building distribution boxes and other application scenarios.
Third, the network processing different
    1、Different distribution data 
  Industrial router: can automatically allocate IP and virtual account for LAN 
  Ethernet switch: only used to distribute network data.
  2、Different processing protocols 
  Industrial router: The network layer supports "TCP/IP" protocol and handles IP address addressing. 
  Ethernet switch: It is only used to distribute network data.
  3、Different support protocols 
  Industrial routers: support "TCP/IP" protocol at the network layer and handle IP address addressing 
  Ethernet switch: in the relay layer according to the "MAC" address addressing.
  4、Whether IP is unified 
  Industrial routers: Support "TCP/IP" protocol at the network layer to handle IP address addressing 
  Ethernet switch: Addressed at the trunk layer according to "MAC" address.
  5、Firewall function 
  Industrial routers: support firewall to ensure the safe passage of data. 
  Ethernet switch: does not support firewall function.